New Dog!!!

Christmas 2004 and Nadia found the perfect present for Rob.

She searched the web high and low (not a trivial persuit for a technophobe) and found Tara the Red-Brindle Bullmastiff pup. She is 20 weeks old and we are just talking with the breeder to arrange transport to our home from Ballarat.

Here are some pics of our new family member…

Tara as a new born
7 weeks old – how cute!!!
7 weeks
still 7 weeks
15 weeks – ignore the dates
Still 15 weeks
Tara just before Christmas

3 thoughts on “New Dog!!!

  1. She is SOOOOOO ugly (dirt ugly, way ugly, real ugly) and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fat-headed. That’s a good thing, I love her. There are not enough smoochy fat-headed dogs. I got a fat-headed pup presuming that he would grow up to be big and ugly, but he’s 6 now and only small & ugly. Oh well . . . next time.

  2. Hi Rob & Nadia,

    Just thought I would drop you a line to find our how Tara is going. Hope she is a joy for you and I would love to see how she has matured. She was a gorgeous pup so I have no doubt she has grown to be a lovely looking girl.

    Best Wishes
    Shannon Keogh
    Bohlach Bullmastiffs

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