Frico of Potatoes

This one is from Udine, Italy and comes courtesy of Gianni.

Serves 4 as an “easy second plate” (separate course)

Time – 50 mins

Wine – Riesling dell’Isonzo (or a good Aussie semillion blanc would be fine also)

Note – this is not a Weight Watchers’ receipe but is yummy!

1 Kg potatoes
1 large onion
2 tbl good olive oil
Salt and pepper
.5 Kg cheese “latteria” (basic dairy cheese like cheddar)

Peel potatoes and slice into > .5 cm slices. Fry onion in oil over low heat untill transparent. Add potatoes, mix through and raise heat to moderate. Add salt and pepper and keep turning potatoes. When the potatoes are nearly cooked, add cheese, lower heat and cover for 20 mins. Turn the “frico” with the help of the cover and increase heat to medium. When golden on both sides, turn out onto a plate and serve very warm accompanied by some polenta.