US Menu #1

The US Menus

These were conceived and prepared on our trip to the US as thankyou dinners for our very generous hosts. There are 5 menus that range from a BBQ to a formal sit down steak dinner. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

Menu 1 – serves 6 with leftovers
Barbecued Apricot and Chile Chicken
Barbecued balsamic asparagus
Great Potato Salad
Garden Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette

Barbecued Apricot and Chile Chicken
6 boneless chicken breasts skin on
2 cups tinned apricot nectar
2 jalepeno peppers seeds removed and finely chopped
1 tsp ginger freshly grated
1 tsp garlic freshly grated or finely chopped

Combine marinade ingredients in a large bowl and add chicken coating well. Let sit for at least 1/2 hour. When the barbecue is ready but not too hot, barbecue the breasts until cooked through, immersing in the marinade when turning. When ready, slice each breast in half and set aside in a covered dish in a warm oven to wait for serving. Serve on a warmed platter with the asparagus. This with the potato salad, garden salad and wine of your choice make a yummy meal.

Barbecued balsamic asparagus
Chop the woody base ends off a bunch of asparagus and lightly coat with olive oil (I toss them in a bowl to do this). Place on the barbecue and let cook until lightly browned on all sides. Remove from the barbecue to a serving plate and sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and cracked pepper.

Great Potato Salad
18 small red skinned potatoes
1 cup real mayonnaise
2 tbl olive oil
1 small bunch chives chopped
1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
1/4 tsp salt (optional)

Wash the potatoes and place whole into a large pot of hot water. Bring to the boil and cook until the potatoes are just tender. While potatoes are cooking, combine all the rest of the ingredients and stir well until the oil is well mixed in. When the potatoes are cooked, drain them and slice each in half or quarters (depending on size). While they are still hot, gently stir through the mayonnaise mixture and leave to stand until ready for serving.

Garden Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette
Mixed salad leaves
2 ripe tomatoes
1 handful black olives (optional)

for the vinegarette…
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 heaped tsp whole grain mustard
1/4 tsp cracked black pepper (optional)

Wash and spin the salad leaves and place in a salad bowl. Slice the tomatoes into segments and toss over the leaves with the black olives. Place all the vinegarette ingredients into an old jelly jar and shake the crap out of them. Pour over the salad just before serving.