Dana’s 18th in Kyogle

Once again, Paul and Claire et al came through with a brilliant party for their daughter, Dana’s, 18th birthday on their property just outside Kyogle. The photos below don’t really do the evening justice but we include them to give an idea of the festivities. Click on the photos for a better view…

The crowd at dinner in the marquee erected for the occasion…

More of the crowd

Some Wilsons and others

Glen, Uncle Bruce and Claire of the Sydney Wilsons

Claire – our hostess with the mostest

Us – just to prove we were there…

Aunty Judi

Dana – well, most of Dana. We’ll call it an art shot, shall we!

More partying…

Martin and Kelly

Paul – our host for the evening. And the speeches begin…

and the speeches continue…

Jess – never afraid of a theme party. Did I mention, it was a Christmas in July party?

as is tradition in these parts… Claire had composed a poem… and what a poem!

Dana feels more comfortable behind the video camera

the poem continues and the crowd hangs on every word…

…through funny bits…

…and funnier bits…

…and even funnier bits…

…and some embarassing bits – of course…

…the poem finishes…

…the cake comes out…

…the candles are blown out…

…and it’s time to respond.

…and then presents…

…and more presents.

Next day, it’s the usual suspects, hard at work.